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What is self-production

In today's world, anyone can be a maker.

Self-producing is an opportunity to take control of your career, creativity and impact on your audience.



  • Readiness to work in an entrepreneurial model

  • Study of the plan and supplementary materials

  • Consultation with experts


Starting point

  • Assessment of current situation

  • Setting goals

  • Identify resources


Organising the workspace

  • Physical space

  • Digital space

  • The media kit needed


Identifying a niche for yourself

  • Analysing your own brightest qualities

  • Current understanding of the market

  • Selection of formats


Identifying the customer's main problem

  • Analysing the target audience

  • Identifying key needs

  • Formulating a unique solution


Detailed competitor analysis

  • Identify key competitors

  • Analyse their strengths and weaknesses

  • Identify your competitive advantages


Personal action plan

  • Short-term goals

  • Long-term goals

  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) 


Developing a product/service offer

  • Description of the product or service

  • Pricing

  • Value Proposition


Sales Algorithm

  • Structure of the sales cycle

  • Working out the stages of sales

  • Sales and persuasion techniques


Analysing the sales algorithm

  • Collecting feedback

  • Evaluating effectiveness

  • Adjusting the approach


Sales funnel

  • Funnel stages

  • Tools for each stage

  • Conversion Optimisation


Social media presence

  • Selecting the right platforms

  • Create and optimise profiles

  • Strategising your social media presence


Creating a tag cloud

  • Selecting the right platforms

  • Create and optimise profiles

  • Strategising your social media presence


Creating video content about yourself

  • Planning content

  • Filming and editing

  • Promotion


Content types

  • Determining the optimal set of content

  • Creating and publishing strategies

  • Analysing the effectiveness of different types of content


Social media monitoring

  • Selecting the right platforms

  • Create and optimise profiles

  • Strategising your social media presence


Monitoring personalised action plan

  • Regularly assess progress

  • Adjusting the plan as necessary


Celebrating achievements and setting new goals


  • Expand network of useful contact

  • Analyse new products from competitors

  • Monitoring trends


  • Product or service description

  • Pricing

  • Commercial offer

Self-Production Plan

Services All Portugal Media

Light Board

The top-rated video production technology of 2023

  • Involvement 30% higher

  • Finished videos are 2 times faster

  • Production is 3 times cheaper

Vido Studo

Visualise meanings

  • A video that will win over your customers. 

  • A service that you will appreciate. 

  • Create an emotional connection to the brand. 

  • Explaining the complicated - simply.

Photo Studio

A place where every moment is unforgettable!

  • Professional equipment

  • A variety of backgrounds and props

  • Flexible scheduling

  • Expert on-site support

AI Atelier

AI plus the creative vision and experience of a professional.

  • Accelerate your business

  • Outperform your competitors

  • Save resources

  • Uncover hidden opportunities

Man Preparing to Fly a Plane

Add price

  • Complete control over your brand

  • Save time and money

  • Rapid audience growth

  • Monetise your personal potential

Build a strong personal brand

  • Each project strengthens your personal brand, creating a cumulative growth effect.

  • Create content that truly reflects your personality and values.

Financial benefit

  • Reduced intermediary costs and a larger percentage of the revenue stays with you.

Complete creative control

  • You decide what content to create and how to present it. 

  • No compromising with the vision of producers or sponsors.

Flexibility and speed

  • Respond instantly to trends and audience demands without bureaucracy.

Variety of Opportunities

  • Experiment with different formats and platforms, finding what works for you.

A direct link to your audience

  • Get instant feedback and build strong relationships with your customers.

Develop multi-faceted skills

  • Become a versatile professional by mastering different aspects of media production.

Active networking

  • Development of business relations in the community of entrepreneurs, owners of strong emerging brands

Self-production is the art of creating, developing and promoting your own content and personal brand without intermediaries. 

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